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Assignment Update: Help a Former Victim of Human Trafficking

ASSIGNMENT UPDATE: We were asked to help a former victim of human trafficking who has completely turned her life, including recently graduating from college. She is eager to start a new life for herself and her daughter and will be working to help others escape from the horrors she endured.

REFERRING OFFICER: Undercover Columbus Division of Police detective currently assigned to the Central Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force, whom we refer to as "Detective D."

You really came through on this one. Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to give $4,730.83 to our young friend! Starfish Board Member and CPD Deputy Chief Tim Becker met up with her recently to give her your donations. She was very appreciative and said it will help her and her daughter enormously as they start on their new life.

Detective D was amazed by how much money was raised. He was very grateful for your generosity and said it will help her tremendously.

Thank you all! We appreciate you very much!


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